
Chapter 1 Matrix Algebra
Chapter 2 System of Linear Equations
Chapter 3 Eigen Values and Eigen vectors
Chapter 4 Functions of single Variables
Chapter 5 Limit Continuoty and differntiable
Chapter 6 Mean, value Theorams
Chapter 7 Inderminate Forms
Chapter 8 Evaluation of definite and Proper Integrals
Chapter 9 Double and triple integrals
Chapter 10 Partial Derivative
Chapter 11 Total Derivative
Chapter 12 Taylor series in one and Two variable
Chapter 13 Maxima and minima
Chapter 14 Fourier Series
Chapter 15 Gradient
Chapter 16 Divergence and Curl
Chapter 17 Vector Identities
Chapter 18 Directional Derivative
Chapter 19 Line,Surface and volume Inteegrals
Chapter 20 Application of Gauss, Stokes and Greens Theoram
Chapter 21 First Order Equations(Linear and non-Linear)
Chapter 22 Higher Order Linear differnetial equations with constant equations
Chapter 23 Euler-Cauchy Equation
Chapter 24 Initial and Boundry Value Problems
Chapter 25 Laplace Transforms
Chapter 26 Solutions of heat Wave and Laplace Transform
Chapter 27 Analytic Functions
Chapter 28 Cauchy-Rieman Equations
Chapter 29 Cauchys Integral Theoram and Integral Formula
Chapter 30 Taylor and Laurent Series
Chapter 31 Definations of Probability
Chapter 32 Sampling Theorams
Chapter 33 Condtional Probability
Chapter 34 Mean, Median,Mode and Standard Deviation
Chapter 35 Random Variables
Chapter 36 Binomial,Poison and Normal Distributions
Chapter 37 Numerical Solutions Of Linear and Non-Linear algebraic Equations
Chapter 38 Integration by trapezoidal and Simpsons Rule
Chapter 39 Single and Multi-steps Method for differntial euations