Exam Pattern

>> All questions are Compulsory.

>> The question paper will contain 30 questions divided into four sections A B C D.

>> Section A will comprise of 6 questions of 1 mark each. Section B comprises 6 questions of 2 mark each. Section C comprises 10 questions of 3 marks each and section D comprises of 8 questions of 4 marks each.

>> Use of Calculator is probhited.

The Major topics

The major topics are Algebra, Arithmetic, Geometry and Modern Maths.Follow the book prescribed by your school for the marks break-up.


You should give atleat 30 minutes a day to all the moajor topics for a good score in your exam.Try to solve as many questions on all the topics.

How To Ace In The Exam

Always prepare for any exam to ace in it no matter how tough the exam may come. The first and formost thing is awarenes. You should know about your day to day improvements and set backs and you should practise atleast 20 questions in total to land up on a good score.